Lincoln Highway 100 years old ...

Lincoln Highway 100 years old ...

Messagepar Chuck » 27 Mars 2013 13:07

Lincoln Highway 100 years old. Some of my time on it.

In the last few years I have found myself driving from the Western Suburbs of Chicago to Dixon, Illinois. I always jump on the tollway but sometimes I get off of the pay road and get onto the Lincoln Highway. My two lane black top starts in Rochelle, Illinois and takes me down the Lincoln Highway all the way to Dixon with a number of coffee and picture taking stops along the way.

A local booster pointed out the Lincoln Highway mural here in Rochelle. It was a grey day.

This gas station is at the vanishing point in the previous photo. The right end of the photo is looking west.

This might be the most famous Cadillac on the Lincoln Highway. I have many, probably better photos of the automobile but I think this photo puts it in a proper context.
On Google Images search Rochelle Cadillac.

To the left is heading west. This is a 25 mph curve in Ashton, Illinois. The Lincoln Highway will be behind where I am standing.
The two lane black top by passes the Linc. Hwy here.

This is Downtown Ashton. When I take pictures here the locals notice.

This is a shot of the original unrestored Lincoln Highway between Ashton and Franklin Grove. It's about 5 miles of sandy, muddy road. It's messy but I'm glad I was on it.

This is an interesting rail crossing at the west end of this original section of the Lincoln Highway just outside of Franklin Grove. It is one lane here, you can't see what's on the other side of the crossing and you almost have to get out of the car to see if a train is coming. There are no signals at this crossing. This is probably the most authentic Lincoln Highway experience you are going to get. It is 1913 all over again!

This is Downtown Franklin Grove. On the left is the Lincoln Highway Museum. I stopped in there yesterday and bought a T shirt. I was the only tourist there at the time. But visitors from all over the globe have stopped in at this museum. It is a regular stopping spot for Hwy tours. Also, at the vanishing point is the public library with probably the cleanest and most modern washrooms along the Lincoln Highway.

This is Dixon, Illinois facing south. To my back is the Rock River.

This is the Dixon Dam hydroelectric plant. It's just off of the highway and to the east. Oddly tours of the power plant are no longer given.

I'll be adding more photos here so check back occasionally.

Chuck D.
Dernière édition par Chuck le 19 Juin 2013 01:02, édité 1 fois au total.
Chuck Derer - Willys Overland Jeepster 1948
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Messages: 26
Inscrit le: 12 Jan 2013 15:04
Localisation: Downers Grove, IL USA

Re: Lincoln Highway 100 years old ...

Messagepar ChevyBoy » 27 Mars 2013 17:06

Thanks Chuck for this travel at your side .
Serge Petit - Chevrolet Blazer LT 2000
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Re: Lincoln Highway 100 years old ...

Messagepar Junior » 30 Mars 2013 16:48

Thank you for sharing these pics with us ! Today you have added two pics for the passage of the railway without signals,'' an authentic experience '' but very dangerous !
Alan Eveillard
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Re: Lincoln Highway 100 years old ...

Messagepar gonzola » 20 Avr 2013 11:03

Thanks Chuck I travel in time ;)

Re: Lincoln Highway 100 years old ...

Messagepar Chuck » 20 Avr 2013 19:28

There will be a few European car clubs touring the Lincoln Highway this year. Let me know if any of "The Foudre" members will be on this road this year.
Chuck Derer - Willys Overland Jeepster 1948
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Messages: 26
Inscrit le: 12 Jan 2013 15:04
Localisation: Downers Grove, IL USA

Re: Lincoln Highway 100 years old ...

Messagepar Junior » 26 Avr 2013 17:38

This year for the holidays I stay in Europe !
Alan Eveillard
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Re: Lincoln Highway 100 years old ...

Messagepar Chuck » 27 Avr 2013 00:59

I will spend some time on the Lincoln Highway when auto tours are going on. I wonder who I will meet?
Chuck Derer - Willys Overland Jeepster 1948
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Messages: 26
Inscrit le: 12 Jan 2013 15:04
Localisation: Downers Grove, IL USA

Re: Lincoln Highway 100 years old ...

Messagepar ChevyBoy » 27 Avr 2013 09:15

Serge Petit - Chevrolet Blazer LT 2000
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Inscrit le: 01 Nov 2010 19:50
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Re: Lincoln Highway 100 years old ...

Messagepar The Foudre » 28 Avr 2013 12:11

Hello Chuck, For me the holidays will take place in France ! I hope you make good meeting, do not forget your camera ;)
Denis - Eveillard
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The Foudre
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