Ever Meulen, whose real name is Eddy Vermeulen. Illustrator, graphics and stylized geometric was influenced by industrial design, architecture, automotive and furniture from the forties, fifties, but also the art deco style.
We find the influence of style atom, and cubism. He is currently with Joost Swarte, a leading exponent of clear line style. But the essence of the art of Ever Meulen is multiple.
Equilibriste forms, he celebrates the marriage of comics and modern art in graphic compositions built on a subtle balance of features, architectures, vibrations and colors. Each of them is a symbolic graph.
Ever Meulen is best known as the designer funny and talented Flemish weekly "Humo", which he joined in 1970. Although now retired, his name is inextricably tied to this week.
Ever Meulen but is much more. He has signed countless posters, drawings and illustrations for advertising media home and abroad and has exhibited in Angoulême, Lyon, Geneva, London and New York.
Automotiv is a book that every car enthusiast and design must have in his library.
Enjoy the adventure of power and elegance.
